Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Cleveland graphic design firm Shaffer Design Works, specializes in creative retail marketing applications. Rick Shaffer, Cleveland local and creative director states that Shaffer Design Works demonstrates the utmost passion in the work that they produce for their customers.

The retail pre-print ad campaign above is just an example of a mass Back-to-School blitz that competes on a national level with the likes of OfficeMax and Staples Back-To-School and Holiday advertising and marketing campaigns.

Design Tip:
When creating any ad campaign make sure your organizations marketing goals and objectives have been established before executing creative. Weather the goal is to bolster the company's brand or to increase the annual sales numbers, it is critical that these ideas and objectives have been agreed upon.

For more information on how Shaffer Design Works can help with your company's next marketing initiative please visit: http://www.shafferdesign.com/contactus.php

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